Episode 39: "DRUGS, DOLLS & DELAYS" — Radio Spots, Dept of the Treasury, Bureau of Customs, 1972

Informational Messages for the U.S. Customs Service, U.S. Treasury Department. 1972. (Locked Groove recording, you will hear a click inbetween each radio spot) In order: SIDE ONE Commissioner of Customs (60 secs), Commissioner of Customs (30 secs) Greg Morris (20 secs), William Conrad (60 secs), Robert Fuller (30 secs) Christopher George (30 secs), Linda Daye George (10 secs) John Gavin (60 secs), Martin Milner (60 secs), Elaina Verdugo (60 secs) SIDE TWO Commissioner of Customs (60 secs), Commissioner of Customs (30 secs) Commissioner of Customs (30 secs), Christopher George (30 secs) Elaina Verdugo (30 secs), William Conrad (30 Secs) Jack Webb and David Janssen (30 secs), John Gavin (10 secs) Martin Milner (30 secs), SPANISH: Ricardo Montalban (60 secs), Ricardo Montalban (30 secs)

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