Aaron Ó Maonaigh and Sport During the Irish Civil War

Aaron Ó Maonaigh is an independent scholar and post-primary teacher in South Dubllin, Ireland. Today's interview focuses on Aaron's latest article in Soccer and Society: ‘In the Ráth Camp, rugby or soccer would not have been tolerated by the prisoners’: Irish Civil War attitudes to sport, 1922-3. Find the article at -https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14660970.2021.1988304?casa_token=FvDtYzClpdwAAAAA%3A3-FltgfMwCDyA3HlEYVdT4PVduGiv3L5wpfhh_79z2UUNk2MFHRL2g1MPi0KdEb7ulZEXOhkc_EsVw Other articles of interest include: Ó Maonaigh, Aaron. "‘Who were the Shoneens?’: Irish militant nationalists and association football, 1913–1923." Soccer & Society 18.5-6 (2017): 631-647, which you can find here: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14660970.2016.1230339?casa_token=bxlpWFQexF4AAAAA%3AL32qfv9rTGp9s7sTXf9dg6obfF0zzpy_9H-HMmC4hqiny0G5h6lyUmPMEcWRolrKJAlR4QmePBcIxw Aaron can be reached at: aaron.omaonaigh2@mail.dcu.ie

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