Conor Murray and Irish Sport

This episode Conor Heffernan talks to Conor Murray about sport in Ireland in the twentieth century and the way in which the histories of soccer and rugby are entwined with political developments on the island of Ireland. How and why did soccer and rugby develop in such contrasting ways? And what effect did the troubled relationship between Britain and Ireland have on crowd behaviour north and south of the border? Conor Murray is an Irish Research Council Postgraduate Scholar at the School of History and Geography at DCU. Conor is currently working on an all-island study of Irish football and rugby during the course of the twentieth-century. In the past, Conor has published work on sport and identity in Northern Ireland and, aside from his doctoral work, is currently working on a short history of hockey in Ireland. Additionally, has published several articles on RTE brainstorm on various aspects of sport, society and politics in Ireland. He can be reached at the following @minto91

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