Topps Spot With MLB Players, Hobby Analytics, and How Winning a Championship Affects Prices With Tom Ferrara

Mike and Jesse start the pod with their experience at the Topps Spot event in Scottsdale, Arizona, and the notable MLB players they spoke to (01:14). Then, Tom Ferrara of Pancake Analytics joins the show to discuss his research on whether championships affect prices and the market outlook for 2024 (22:05). Then, they delve into new releases and answer your mailbag questions (48:10). Hosts: Mike Gioseffi and Jesse Gibson Guest: Tom Ferrara Producer: Eduardo Ocampo Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Om Podcasten

A podcast featuring Mike Gioseffi and Jesse Gibson that’s about sports, the Sports card market, and how to make money with this hobby. Who you should be buying and selling - along with the occasional fantasy football advice.