#12 - You are the sum of your closest people

As a woman in the late 20’s or early 30’s you can target to move abroad, take the next step in your career or even start your own business. If you have family members and friends with a very traditional mindset, you will hear things like “Sounds great – but when do you actually plan to get married and have kids???” Does that hinder you to realize the vision that you have for yourself? Do you adjust to the picture of the others? Or do you follow your dreams, but feel bad, because this is not what is expected from you? Imagine, all your friends would be successful entrepreneurs and you tell them that you are pregnant. The reaction that you get is: “Great, congratulations – but when do you actually plan to do the next big step in your career?!?” Different people, different mindset. And nothing is right or wrong. But with this episode I would like to sensitize you to think about: Who are your closest people? What mindset are you adopting from them? And how can you choose the people you are surrounded by to be supportive for you. Do you wanna push your self-confidence and get more visible to push your career to the next level? – Check out my “Spotlight yourself” Coaching & Mentoring programme on my website https://www.michaela-kettner.coach I would also be happy to connect with you via Instagram (@michaela.kettner.fi) or via LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaela-kettner-6a67a993/)!

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Empower yourself to build a successful, satisfying and fulfilling career by embracing your authentic self! Join me for practical tips, motivational boosters, and expert advice. This podcast is based on three pillars: Build up self-confidence Manage your emotions Communicate effectively based on NLP If you're tired of feeling overlooked, undervalued, or stuck in the wrong job - get the tools to express your true potential and finally land your dream job! Unlock your strengths, gain recognition, and cultivate a sense of fulfillment in your career. It's time to make your mark in the workplace!