#45 – Are you self-confident or do you just have a big ego?

“Great people make other people great, small people keep other people small.” And this is not referring to the body size 😉. There is a difference between being really self-confident and having a big ego. Are you able to award and recognize other people in a sincere and empathetic way or are you trying to push them down and make them feel guilty. In this episode you learn: What true self-confidence is and how it develops How the ego develops and what a huge ego tells about the self-confidence of a person How you can recognize in a discussion or dispute with another person if you are driven by your own ego What you can do if you feel attacked by a person who obviously has a huge ego If you want to develop your self-confidence to improve your relationships with your colleagues, your friends and loved ones – to be not driven by a huge ego – you can find support and all information about my coaching programs on my website www.michaela-kettner.coach. If you like the episode and you want to receive more inspiring content in the future, subscribe to my podcast and connect with me on LinkedIn or Instagram (@michaela.kettner.fi).

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Empower yourself to build a successful, satisfying and fulfilling career by embracing your authentic self! Join me for practical tips, motivational boosters, and expert advice. This podcast is based on three pillars: Build up self-confidence Manage your emotions Communicate effectively based on NLP If you're tired of feeling overlooked, undervalued, or stuck in the wrong job - get the tools to express your true potential and finally land your dream job! Unlock your strengths, gain recognition, and cultivate a sense of fulfillment in your career. It's time to make your mark in the workplace!