#46 – “You don’t need to be 100% perfect in your English” – Joint episode with Sam from Email ENG

We all use English in our every day life. But how confident are you really to express all of your thoughts, knowledge and emotions in English? And what can you do to get better? This episode is a joint record that I made together with Samantha Houston, who is originally from the UK and lives in Helsinki for two years and works as an English language teacher and presentation coach. In this episode you learn: What you can do if you feel limited in expressing yourself in English How English is used in a multicultural environment like Helsinki How you can integrate English-language learning in your everyday life easily What self-confidence means and why communication is the key to express that Why empathy towards your audience is more important than using academic words You can find Sam’s English training offers under https://www.emaileng.com/or find her on LinkedIn (under Email ENG) or Instagram (@_emaileng). If you would like to boost your own self-confidence and get more visible in your (work) life, have a look at my coaching offers for you under www.michaela-kettner.coach!

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Empower yourself to build a successful, satisfying and fulfilling career by embracing your authentic self! Join me for practical tips, motivational boosters, and expert advice. This podcast is based on three pillars: Build up self-confidence Manage your emotions Communicate effectively based on NLP If you're tired of feeling overlooked, undervalued, or stuck in the wrong job - get the tools to express your true potential and finally land your dream job! Unlock your strengths, gain recognition, and cultivate a sense of fulfillment in your career. It's time to make your mark in the workplace!