007 - Über das Tabuthema Periode, period poverty, Feminismus & Periodenunterwäsche | Lisa von Kora Mikino

Hey! Heute sprechen wir mit Lisa Knüver, HEAD OF PUBLIC RELATIONS vom Berliner Start Up Kora Mikino: Es geht um ...das Tabuthema PeriodePeriodenarmut / Period Povertyden Prozess der Selbstakzeptanz- & Liebe & was deine Periode damit zu tun Periodenunterwäsche: Nachhaltig, Vegan & Fair hergestellt von Kora Mikinodas Fließen lassen... wieso Periodenunterwäsche dir helfen kann dich & deine Weiblichkeit ein Stückchen mehr zu akzeptieren <3Danke hier nochmal an Lisa für die...

Om Podcasten

Hi! :) Sprout & Spirit is a mindfulness platform & community, which inspires to live mindfully & intentionally. Let's talk about mental & physical health, self-development, the journey of self-healing & living a conscious and balanced life according to your own values and beliefs. I'm Caro, the founder & host of Sprout & Spirit and I'm looking forward to share my thoughts, interview experts and have some deep talk with you about life. Actually we don't have to take life to seriously, but let's talk about important topics & be thankful for our individual journey and path, called life: Let's create a life you enjoy living - being healthy, happy & optimistic. Let's trust, flow & grow.