Ep. 123 - Nick Lehner (Strap Habit)

Many of you listening have probably either heard of, or actually bought a watch strap from Strap Habit. I first connected with Nick Lehner, the brand’s one man band through Instagram and finally got some face time at WindUp this past Fall. Since then, we’ve chatted more about business and growth strategy only for me to then cut conversations short for reasons he’s on the show today.Nick’s one of the good ones. Thoughtful, honest, and not least of which supportive, and I can’t thank him enough for his time and his friendship. Like many of these, this conversation takes an unexpected, but wonderful turn, and I’ll leave that for you to soon discover.Please enjoy my conversation with Nick from Strap Habit. Links: STANDARD H https://standard-h.com/ @standardh_ @standardh_podcast Strap Habit https://straphabit.com/ @strap_habit

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The STANDARD H Podcast is a casual conversation about the lives of entrepreneurs and those growing companies. We discuss each guest's background in business as well as hobbies. Topics often include cars, watches, food & travel, and even architecture.