Ep. 142 - Trevor Wynn (Pare Pare Podcast)

If you’ve ever listened to the podcast, Pare Pare, I think it goes without saying, its host Trevor Wynn and I have several interests in common. He and I have recorded twice for his show in two different locations, so when we were scheduling this conversation, we made it a third, and it isn’t just any location - we actually recorded this in my car. We met in Orange County to attend an event at the IWC Boutique at South Coast Plaza, so it served as an insanely convenient, quiet place for us to talk Monterey Car Week, his personal car journey, and of course his experience with watches. We get into the whys and hows of Pare Pare and Trevor also shares a bit about his day job as an employment defense lawyer. I’m super happy to call Trevor a friend and I’m equally as happy to share this chat with all of you. STANDARD H www.standard-h.com @standardh_ Pare Pare https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/par%C3%A9-par%C3%A9/id1715398729

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The STANDARD H Podcast is a casual conversation about the lives of entrepreneurs and those growing companies. We discuss each guest's background in business as well as hobbies. Topics often include cars, watches, food & travel, and even architecture.