Ep. 144 - Glenn Au (Junior's)
I honestly don’t remember how I first heard of Junior’s or today’s guest, Glenn Au, but my guess is through Matt Hranek and/or his magazine, WM Brown. The point now, however, is that I have in fact heard of him, and even more importantly, as of October, I can now say I have visited him at his shop in Philadelphia. Glenn had somehow heard of me and/or my podcast as well, so it was such a kick for us to unveil our knowledge of one another…to one another. Junior’s is my kind of shop. It’s small, has a very pointed assortment of quality goods sold and overseen by someone who loves product knowledge as much as I do. In fact, Glenn’s knowledge more than likely extends beyond mine, which always makes me happy as someone searching for new knowledge. Junior’s is timeless, classic and as you’ll hear us mention: it’s the perfect intersection - my words, not his, mind you - of just enough American, Italian and English. It’s the Holy Trinity of menswear in my opinion. The perfect trifecta. Links: STANDARD H https://standard-h.com/ @standardh_ Junior's https://www.shopjuniors.com/ @shopjuniors