Ep. 86 - Sam (Seen Through Glass YouTube Channel)

Prior to the Pandemic, I came across what would soon become one of my favorite YouTube channels. I was brought in by this UK-based car vlog and its host, Sam, mainly due to his energy, enthusiasm, and really what felt like uninhibited honesty. Seen Through Glass gained my subscription very quickly when Sam launched his adventure called Drive the World - literally a trek around the world where he drives a Porsche 911T while documenting every step of the way. It was incredible. To say this conversation is heavy on the car talk would be a drastic understatement, and as I often say about many of these episodes, it could’ve gone on for much longer had we not had a time constraint. It was a ton of fun to hear all about Sam’s process, how he films, and what he finds to be the best way to produce content. He even opens up about something never really talked about that was lurking behind the scenes when filming Drive the World. Sam’s automotive influence came from an arguably unexpected source and another fun insight arrived when we began discussing watches and what role they’ve played in his life. Turns out, his father is someone famous in his own right within the world of horology, so stay tuned for that. When Sam posted a video asking for support for his trip to Mille Miglia, I couldn’t email him fast enough. After following Sam and his automotive journey for several years at this point, partnering with him has been somewhat of a long term goal of mine for STANDARD H. Well, he happened to see my outreach and after a couple of Zoom calls and a couple headaches provided by our friends at UPS, we got some product sorted and in Sam’s hands for his trip to Italy. His first of two videos documenting his trip just released this past Sunday, so be sure to give it a watch, and stay tuned for the second one due out this Sunday! Links: STANDARD H https://standard-h.com/ @standardh_ @standardh_podcast Seen Through Glass https://www.youtube.com/c/seenthroughglass @seenthroughglass Passion Fine Jewelry https://passionfinejewelry.com/ @passionfinejewelry Independent in Time https://www.independentintime.com/ @independentintime

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The STANDARD H Podcast is a casual conversation about the lives of entrepreneurs and those growing companies. We discuss each guest's background in business as well as hobbies. Topics often include cars, watches, food & travel, and even architecture.