Star Trek 2x02 - "Metamorphosis" Review
Aww, maman! Some hot stuff heatin' up in Zefram Cochrane's innards as Kirk and his companions find out he been lettin' his companion all up in them guts! Energy clouds are revolting, maman. Until they take over Elinor Donahue... cause miss Ellie Walker is the finest lady druggist we ever did have in these parts, ain't that right, Barn? I mean maman. Episode Reviewed:Star Trek 2x02 - "Metamorphosis"Hosts:David C. RobersonEffie OpheldersNote: This episode of Star Trek Universe continues young Effie's first watch of Star Trek in production order. Guiding her on this journey: Dave, a stalwart fan of almost four decades who rewatches along with her, provides trivia, insights and the occasional excitement-stoking minor spoiler. Join Us:Site: http://startrekucast.comApple:"Power Restored" Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License