Episode 104 : Roger, Roger

Star Wars Academy Award winner Roger Christian joins Chris Porteous and Andy 'Spoons' Norton to chat Star Wars set decoration, Alien and the life of Brian. The hosts try to put together a 'Top 5 of Toys we should maybe talk more about '. Do you agree with their choices and suggestions? Spoons shares a revelation recently discovered about an action figure that might make the list. In the four way Action Figure Face-off Andy Preston hops in an AT-AT to defend its Driver,  Andy 'Spoons' Norton joins the Death Squad to see if its Commander is worthy, Jason goes with the Commander of the Rebels and Pete hops down to Jabba's Dungeon to get familiar with the most handsome of Action Figures - The Rancor Keeper. There's much more tomfoolery and hijinks japery in a huge Rebel Briefings section, and the licensee section has us focusing on Sigma - a favourite of everyone, but do we own much of it between us? There's also a chance to win one of Paleetoys Death Star Detention Block playsets, for a competition prize.  These sets are available now from Paleetoys (Lee Gregory) on Facebook, they’re made in the vintage style like the Cantina or Land of the Jawas, and they make a great display base for figures. To have a chance of winning this excellent prize, what we’re asking you to do is to go outside and enjoy this lovely weather we’re having - and take your camera and your action figures!  We want to see action figures photographed in an interesting outdoor environment.  It could be urban or rural, it doesn’t matter, but what we’re looking for is a bit of artistic flair and invention.  You could go for humour, movie accuracy, a single figure or a whole battle scene.  The winner will be the one photo that we as a team collectively enjoy the most.  Send in your entries to us via Facebook Messenger, Instagram, or email, to reach us by Sunday 23rd July. The winner will be announced next month!    

Om Podcasten

The Star Wars Vintage Rebellion Podcast is brought to you by five vintage Star Wars Toy collectors. The team discuss vintage star wars collectibles, recent threads and stories from across social media and forums, the current vintage market, oddball items, as well as covering stories that have been rocking the vintage collecting community. There are also interviews with all types of collector as well as an events section where you can discover Star Wars events in your area. All this plus much much more, so download this podcast now!