So in Star Wars at this point we’ve seen so many different deaths of force users, whether it be Maul being chopped in half, to Dooku being beheaded, Anakin’s fall to Obi-Wan, or later with Disney how they keep gutting one another and surviving. Rey doing it to Kylo, and Reva being stabbed twice in the gut once as a child by Darth Vader in the Jedi Temple and later as an adult by Darth Vader again, and surviving both times. With all of these deaths, the most controversial one of them all, especially after Disney has made their projects, is in regards to Qui-Gon Jinn’s death. Qui-Gon was my favorite Jedi, and it is no question that if he had survived, the fate of the galaxy would have literally changed. He would have been the father figure Anakin needed in order to battle his demons and not be seduced to the Dark Side by Darth Sidious. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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