Episode 30: Bianca Giaever

Bianca Giaever was a local legend, a mythic figure whose forest nymph-like presence lingered in the walls of Garfield High School long after she graduated. I learned about her—her confidence, adventurousness, cleverness, and drive—within the first month of my freshman year, and witnessed hoards of girls (and myself) debase themselves to try to emulate her vibes. I kept tabs on Bianca well after high school, too, and, for a few key years in the 2010s, used her viral Vimeo videos to guide me down a vague path toward what I thought I might want to someday get up to. This episode explores the charm and tyranny of my highschool’s outdoors club, Bianca’s artful devotion to The Mundane, and why it’s a lot easier to get over the excruciating disappointment of being yourself if you have a role model.  Discussed: GQ names Kim Kardashian “Man of the Year” “The Scared is scared,” Bianca Giaever, 2013 “Holy Cow Lisa” 2012 “CRUSH” campaign for Rachel Antonoff’s SS14 line Constellation Prize, Bianca’s new podcastTape podcast interview with Bianca, 2020

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STARGIRL is a mythology I created to make sense of things. It’s a show about girls who stand out, but it’s also a way to understand the world through patterns, both externally (by examining the type of women who reign over public life), and internally (by exploring how we deploy our own forces of projection). It’s a call to get into your body and follow your intuition—to explore your admiration and judgment of the Stargirls, and let that be a guiding light. Subscribe to the STARGIRL Patreon to unlock exclusive content: https://patreon.com/STARGIRLpod By @emmaglennbaker