Episode 53: The Body Series with Dr. Julia Morgan [LONG TEASER]
*Full episode on Patreon* *Announcement* Sign-ups are live for STARGIRL in-person events in September! STARGIRL Yoga 2.0 Sunday, September 8 at 10am in Fort Greene. Meetup + 60-minute, all-levels, by-donation yoga class. Reserve your spot here! 2. Intro to Strength Training Series Every Tuesday in September, 6-7pm at RS Strength in Brooklyn. This is a 4-week, progressive program introducing you to the foundational movement patterns (deadlift, squat, kettlebell swing, strict press, etc.) using kettlebells. Jump in at any point! Sign up on ClassPass here! Show notes: Welcome back to the next episode of The Body Series! Today we have Dr. Julia Morgan, a sports chiropractor and fitness coach, and a huge inspiration for me as I’ve stepped into a new career as a personal trainer. Julia talks about her path from chiropractic work to strength training, and offers some expertise about the unique value of training with kettlebells. She also shares her experience as a fitness influencer, joining business forces with her husband, and building confidence through movement. Follow @drjuliamorgan on Instagram Check out Kettlebell Coach University (signups for their next Level 1 certification open 9/9!) Download Julia’s 6-week Bridal Bootcamp program