Episode 59: The Body Series with Molly

Announcements: Emma is officially taking on more personal training clients, both in person and virtual! Book a free consult call to learn more here. Listen to Emma as a guest on Nymphet Alumni! A true career high.  The next STARGIRL virtual event will be Sunday, December 8 at 4pm New York time. Subscribe to the Patreon to join in! The Body Series returns this week with my dear friend Molly, a licensed social worker, who shares her experience working as a therapist in NYC. We discuss the cultural fatigue around therapy speak and “trauma,” how CBT, DBT, Attachment Theory, etc. got subsumed into (and weaponized by?) mainstream discourse, and the current trend toward somatic healing practices. We also explore the downsides of overidentifying with diagnoses, and put Molly’s expertise in conversation with past Body Series guests, Emmeline Clein, Eloise Skinner, and Sloane Elizabeth. Discussed: “Overanalyzed: A series about how we fell out of love with therapy”, The Cut (2024) “Tell Me Why It Hurts” on The Body Keeps the Score, NY Mag (2023) Past The Body Series episodes: Emmeline Clein, Eloise Skinner, Sloane Elizabeth

Om Podcasten

STARGIRL is a mythology I created to make sense of things. It’s a show about girls who stand out, but it’s also a way to understand the world through patterns, both externally (by examining the type of women who reign over public life), and internally (by exploring how we deploy our own forces of projection). It’s a call to get into your body and follow your intuition—to explore your admiration and judgment of the Stargirls, and let that be a guiding light. Subscribe to the STARGIRL Patreon to unlock exclusive content: https://patreon.com/STARGIRLpod By @emmaglennbaker