Episode 60: Martha Stewart

Happy Thanksgiving! This week we investigate the Queen of Home Arts, Martha Stewart herself. We get inside the late ‘80s suburban decadence of Martha Stewart Living, and examine the Dream / Threat of Northeastern WASP-y frigidity. We also situate Martha in a lineage of STARGIRL domestic goddesses (Gwyneth Paltrow, Alison Roman, Ballerina Farm), explore the weirdness of transforming the Home into a stage, and reflect on who we “inherit” domesticity from in our modern era.  Discussed: *Announcement: Emma is accepting more 1:1 personal training clients! Book a free consult call here. Martha, Netflix documentary (2024) “The Promises Martha Stewart Made — And Why We Wanted to Believe Them,” Joan Didion in the New Yorker (2000) Set of Martha Stewart Living on the famed Turkey Hill Road Martha’s banana bread recipe – the best! “The Making of Book 100” The Martha Stewart Podcast (2024) The 2024 Alison Roman Thanksgiving Special

Om Podcasten

STARGIRL is a mythology I created to make sense of things. It’s a show about girls who stand out, but it’s also a way to understand the world through patterns, both externally (by examining the type of women who reign over public life), and internally (by exploring how we deploy our own forces of projection). It’s a call to get into your body and follow your intuition—to explore your admiration and judgment of the Stargirls, and let that be a guiding light. Subscribe to the STARGIRL Patreon to unlock exclusive content: https://patreon.com/STARGIRLpod By @emmaglennbaker