Success Comes From Leaving Your Comfort Zone

Before John Lee Dumas launched Entrepreneurs on Fire, he was… miserable. John had what from the outside looked like a nice shiny job in corporate finance, but on the inside, the whole scene was driving him nuts. He felt trapped, and to break free, he jumped into the deep end and started a business whose sole purpose was helping other people start their business. The first 13 months of this project were pretty underwhelming, as he’ll explain, but he kept at it, kept at it, and eventually… ka-ching. John now makes six figures a month from Entrepreneurs on Fire, and he joined us to talk about that success, sure, but also the self-doubt that used to haunt him, the morning routine that does religiously to keep his inner game in check, and how he knew it was time to ditch his steady, stable life and launch something of his own.

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Start Yours is a podcast about what it’s like to start your own thing. Whether that's a side hustle, an ecommerce store, dropshipping, or walking away from your day job! You'll hear from people who have done it themselves, and learn what to expect (and what to avoid) when you start yours.