Episode 612 | Balancing a Side Project and Going Full-time on Your Product

In episode 612, Rob Walling chats with longtime friend and repeat podcast guest Dave Rodenbaugh. Dave was even at the very first MicroConf back in 2011.In this episode, we have a candid conversation on our experiences balancing side projects with a day job, struggling with the decision in our own different ways of when to quit, and the surprising habits you have to unlearn once you are finally independent of the day job and consulting work.Topics we cover: [1:27] Dave’s thought process behind expanding Recapture [5:34] The decision to go full-time on Recapture [15:05] Dave’s process for unlearning bad employee / consultant habits [20:07] The danger of the arrival fallacy [24:20] What would you do if you sold the business?[26:03] Balancing a side project with your day job   

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The original podcast for bootstrapped and mostly bootstrapped startups, this show follow the stories of founders as they start, acquire, and grow SaaS companies. Hear when they fail, struggle, succeed, and take you with them through the tumultuous life of a SaaS founder. If you like Mixergy, This Week in Startups, or SaaStr, you’ll enjoy Startup for the Rest of Us.