S2E02: Trending 10 Years of Breach Response (RSAC #SendUsSwag)

In this latest episode, we featured FireEye, Principal Threat Analyst and M-Trends contributor, Regina Elwell to take us on a deep dive of our annual M-Trends report. We discussed how key metrics from our incident response investigations changed including dwell times, source of notification, and what industries were impacted. Additionally, we broke down some of the highlights of four threat actors we upgraded in 2018 including APT37, APT38, APT39, and APT40. Finally we discussed several takeaways from the Mandiant consulting case studies and common remediation recommendations.

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State of the Hack is FireEye’s monthly series, hosted by Christopher Glyer (@cglyer) and Nick Carr (@itsreallynick), that discusses the latest in information security, digital forensics, incident response, cyber espionage, APT attack trends, and tales from the front lines of significant targeted intrusions.