How does your region compare to others?

The podcast series “Stats in a Wrap” intends to attract a wide European audience of podcast fans who are interested to be informed and entertained by the world of statistics. In this episode we talk about the zoomed-in world of regional data which give a fascinating insight to the lives of 447 million people in the EU. These range from life expectancy to employment, from broadband speeds to transport links. Bianka Fohgrub from Eurostat and Paolo Veneri from the OECD discuss the topic with Jonathan Elliott and reveal how and why they break down country data to regional stats and map these to make startling comparisons with beautiful infographics.

Om Podcasten

The Eurostat podcast series “Stats in a Wrap” looks at the world through the eyes of statistics. Its aim is to pick the most delicious morsels and striking flavours to provide insights into the unexpected, the quirky and downright peculiar perspectives that only the numbers can reveal.