The Current Status of Human Brain Organoids Research with Alysson Muotri and Larry Goldstein

The study of brain organoids is leading to a better understanding of human development and potential therapies for neurological disorders. Yet when people hear the phrase "brain in a dish" it instantly brings to mind the stuff of science fiction - labs full of sentient brains thinking and plotting. Alysson Muotri explains why these organoids should not called "brains in a dish" and how they are being used to explain human processes previously inaccessible to study. While underscoring scientific value of these organoids, he also raises the question of what ethical questions demand an answer as the technology improves. Series: "Stem Cell Channel" [Health and Medicine] [Humanities] [Show ID: 35245]

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Stem cell science is changing medicine and our understanding of human development. The Stem Cell Channel takes you into the labs where cutting edge-research takes place, introduces you to the scientists leading the way, and breaks down how these amazing discoveries impact everyday life and health.