Episode 17 - A Client talks about the benefits of Coaching

In this podcast, you can hear one of my coaching clients talk about why coaching was the best investment she ever made. This is a longer podcast than normal – about 30 minutes. The topics we cover include: 1. How to stop putting pressure on yourself 2. How to understand your emotions to get back control 3. Why slowing down speeds you up (and how to do it) 4. How coaching works and why invest in it 5. Why working on yourself can lead to more fulfilling and meaningful career choices Also see if you can spot the contribution from my chickens towards the end of the interview.

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Welcome to my podcast. Here I talk about how to reduce stress and stay focused at work. I also cover how to build self belief, and figure out where to go next in your career. All techniques are grounded in science but made easy to apply in day to day life.