Bitcoin’s Blocksize Scarcity with Bob Burnett of Barefoot Mining (SLP525)

When you need to send a Bitcoin transaction, you need Bitcoin blockspace. But blockspace is scarce! CEO of Barefoot Mining, Bob Burnett and I chat about this, and what you can do about it.  Blockspace scarcity and explanation What you can do about it UTXO management Different types of miner Miner’s Trilemma Arguments against public company mining Mining NOT being a leverage play on Bitcoin Public vs private miners Gateway going public Core Scientific bankruptcy Mining decentralisation Links: X: @boomer_btc Site: Barefoot Mining Old Man Yells: @OldManYells-btc Satoshi’s Heel article mentioned: SATOSHI’S HEEL: IS MINING INFRASTRUCTURE A VULNERABILITY THAT COULD TAKE DOWN BITCOIN? Sponsors: (code LIVERA) (code LIVERA) Stephan Livera links: Follow me on X @stephanlivera Subscribe to the podcast

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