DBOL VS. ANADROL - SEMEN VOLUME ON GEAR - The Official Steroids Podcast Episode 30
The Steroids Podcast Episode 30 https://steroidspodcast.com Listen to the Steroids Podcast on ITunes and Spotify! ULTIMATE GUIDE TO ROIDS #1 BOOK ON TRUTH IN THE HISTORY OF BODYBUILDING https://bodybuilderinthailand.com/ultimate-guide-to-roids/ 0:00 push pull legs training split vs bro split on steroids how to gain muscle tissue on steroids and not just "blow up on drugs" mark rippetoe starting strength madcow2 5x5 workout 7:25 Testosterone and Primobolan Cycle ramping up dosages as the cycle goes on rich piana 5% nutrition style. Primobolan Dosages. 9:45 Optimal Length and Supplements for Blasting and Cruising Steroids detriment to health - 600mg testosterone per week long term 18:21 Changing esters during a steroid cycle switching from enanthate to propionate 20:33 Dbol for Sprint Track and Field and Speed Training - Oral Steroids in Sports and Athletics - Using Steroids for Peak Athletic Performance 27:00 Afraid of Needles Oral only cycle using dbol stacked with other oral anabolics. Molecular differences between injectable and oral anabolics - Oral only cycle examples 32:37 Androgen receptors, how testosterone and other roids create additional androgen receptors in the body - why take time off cycle 36:00 MK-677 Growth Hormone and Insulin Sensitivity Fasted Blood Glucose A1C - Metformin for Insulin Sensitivity 41:19 Steroids and Sex Question - Not satisfied by orgasm 47:47 DBOL vs. ANADROL pros and cons gains and side effects bloody nose on dbol cycle 52:10 Womens on TRT for low sex drive using Androgel and Test Cyp. Getting Blood Tests for TRT at the doctor in 3 month intervals how to do steroid cycles without messing up the blood test and getting "busted" lol 56:10 Quarantine Lockdown and gym and steroids. Steroids are medications that work whether you do weight training in the gym or not. 1:01:40 Why would someone use Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzyl Carbonate also know as human grade trenbolone made by negma pharmaceuticals france This Podcast is for entertainment and conversational purposes only. This author does not support the use of illegal performance enhancing drugs. If any substances mentioned in this video are illegal in your country do not use them. Consult a doctor before beginning any exercise or supplement routine. Do not take anything mentioned in this video as advice. It is simply conversation, not advice.