The Steroids Podcast Episode 13 0:00 Can you inject your glutes with steroids everyday – what a normal testosterone injection looks like 2:05 Post Injection Pain and Cause for concern after a steroids injection 5:07 Do Most Bodybuilders including Arnold use Site Enhancement. Different Forms of Site Enhancement 7:00 Scar Tissue From Intramuscular Injections 10:00 Bostin Loyd Site Enhancement Arm Infection 12:00 Dan the Bodybuilder in Thailand Leg Infection 13:25 UGL is Russian Roulette 14:00 Changes i’ve made to Avoid having another steroid leg infection 15:50 I used to “want to be natural” I wanted to do it the “natural way” 17:30 Do I Regret Using Steroids? 22:00 Conversation I had with myself after Steroid Leg Infection 22:55 What is Pharmaceutical Grade Dianabol Experience Like Dbol Performance Enhancing Effects 26:40 Compounds to get Female Butt Bigger and Leaner (Opinion on PED’s in Females) 28:00 T4 Thyroid Hormone and Clenbuterol Cycle 29:00 Chronic Low Thyroid Levels or Low Thyroid Due to Dieting and Effects of Thyroid Hormone and Clenbuterol on Heart Muscle 30:15 Best Supplements and Pills for Depression 31:10 St John’s Wort for Depression Active Chemical “Hypercin” 32:45 Root Cause and Symptoms of Depression and Choice of Supplement 36:00 SSRI Drugs the Doctor will Prescribe you for Depression and How they Work 38:00 Low Carb Dieting and Thyroid Hormone Levels 40:40 Carb Cycling Diet for Bodybuilding 42:25 Side Effects of T3 Thyroid Hormone + Withdrawal 44:00 Enlarged Prostate on Steroid Cycle 46:55 Tingling Fingers and Swollen Hands on Growth Hormone how to Deal with It 49:25 Dbol All Preworkout or Spreading Dosage out throughout the day 52:00 Effects of taking Anabolic Steroids Preworkout 55:15 How to Train when Cruising on Steroids or during PCT

Om Podcasten

The Steroids Podcast Discussion - A real bodybuilding podcast discussion of people involved in gym culture & the performance enhancing substances that are involved - Real Bodybuilding Nutritiion Motivation - podcast is for entertainment, educational, and harm reduction purposes only . author of the podcast does not condone or recommend using any information contained in it. The author of this podcast is not a doctor. Taking steroids can have massive health consequences. The podcast is not to glorify steroid use, but to inform the public what is really happening in bodybuilding & fitness