The Steroids Podcast Episode 15 0:00 When to Take Anti Estrogen (Arimidex, Exemestane, Letrozole) 1:50 When Testosterone Peaks in the blood after a Shot 4:40 How Long Testosterone Cycle takes to Kick In 5:55 Intensity at the Gym 7:30 Tempo and Rep Cadence for Muscle Gains 14:45 You Won’t Meet you goals if you behave as if Steroids are some kind of shortcut 15:30 1000mg Testosterone 600mg Deca 300mg Equipoise 350mg Anavar 350mg Dbol Cycle 18:30 When to Add Tren into a Steroid Cycle – Tolerable Trenbolone Dosages 20:50 When using Trenbolone your Dick is Not as Big 23:00 High Dosages of Trenbolone 25:35 Pharmaceutical Grade Testosterone Deca Durabolin and Primobolan being Faked 27:00 Details of Pharmaceutical Grade Steroids that make them superior 28:00 cRP C-Reactive Protein Levels Inflammation increased because of Synthetic Oils being used to make UGL Gear 29:00 Steroids Available in Pharmacies in Vietnam 30:00 Favorite Pharmaceutical Grade Brands of Steroids 31:00 Details of Authentic Bayer Primobolan – How to Tell Real or Fake Counterfeit 32:05 Reason why Pharmaceutical Grade Injectable Steroids Oils are so Much Thicker than Underground Lab 34:00 Trenbolone Cortisol 35:40 Testosterone to Trenbolone Ratio 39:05 How I Run Anadrol Cycle 40:50 In Depth Anadrol Common Use and Effects 42:35 Anadrol Side Effects – Some Bad Experiences 44:12 Can You Mix HCG and Testosterone or Other Steroids in the Same Syringe 46:25 Question Regarding Genetics and Work Ethic Versus Performance Enhancing Drug Use 48:35 Sex Drive Problems on Steroid Cycle and Troubleshooting 51:50 Cosmetic Effects of Steroids Different Testosterone Esters 53:37 Combining Deca and Testosterone or other Steroids in the Same Syringe 54:40 my 700mg Primobolan 700mg Testosterone Propionate per Week Injection Protocol 55:35 How I Reconstitute and Inject HGH – What is the Difference Between Growth Hormone Vials and Pens 57:50 Growth Hormone Pens like Genotropin and Norditropin are the peak of current science in HGH Technology and Preservation 59:50 My Protocol for Subcutaneous HGH Injections 1:05:15 Subcutaneous vs. Intramuscular Growth Hormone Injections 1:07:03 Body Hair and Steroids Use

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The Steroids Podcast Discussion - A real bodybuilding podcast discussion of people involved in gym culture & the performance enhancing substances that are involved - Real Bodybuilding Nutritiion Motivation - podcast is for entertainment, educational, and harm reduction purposes only . author of the podcast does not condone or recommend using any information contained in it. The author of this podcast is not a doctor. Taking steroids can have massive health consequences. The podcast is not to glorify steroid use, but to inform the public what is really happening in bodybuilding & fitness