Weight Training and Gear Synergy - The Bodybuilding Podcast Episode 49

The Bodybuilding Podcast Episode 49  ULTIMATE GUIDE TO ROIDS #1 BOOK ON TRUTH IN THE HISTORY OF BODYBUILDING https://bodybuilderinthailand.com/ultimate-guide-to-roids/  0:00 What exercises i did for my workout today  2:04 is muscle soreness or getting a pump a good indicator of whether or not you had a great workout.  8:45 Weight training 3 indicators you are on the fast track to gains  12:37 Bodybuilder Ego Gorilla Suit  14:40 If you want to be big here are 3 strength guidelines you should reach   19:56 EC Stack for fat burning/appetite suppression  25:40 Testosterone Undecanoate Usefulness  29:20 How much ML of gear can go into one spot at one time  30:25 Ventroglute Intramuscular Injection Site  32:20 First Cycle using 200mg testosterone cyp and 50mg winstrol tabs  34:10 Expectations going onto TRT after being natural  39:31 Intramuscular vs Subcutaneous Steroid Injections  41:19 BJJ training on cycle brazilian jiu jitsu  45:49 Gyno started appearing long after PCT was finished  50:10 Someone thinks its impossible to obtain pharmaceutical grade HGH/typical results from generic hgh  53:15 How to identify some common types of pharmaceutical grade growth hormone  55:00 Guy on his 2nd cycle noticing that Weight Lifting and Taking Gear is making it much harder to stick to a calorie deficit  59:33 Dbol only cycle or Oral only cycle with Clomid  1:03:05 Minimum Effective Dosage of Primobolan   This Podcast is for entertainment and conversational purposes only. Serious Injury and Death can occur from utilizing chemical performance enhancement.  This author does not support the use of illegal performance enhancing drugs. If any substances mentioned in this video are illegal in your country do not use them. The purpose of this podcast is not to glorify the use of PED's but to bring to light the reality of what athletes are doing privately.  Consult a doctor before beginning any exercise or supplement routine. Do not take anything mentioned in this video as advice. It is simply conversation, not advice.

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The Steroids Podcast Discussion - A real bodybuilding podcast discussion of people involved in gym culture & the performance enhancing substances that are involved - Real Bodybuilding Nutritiion Motivation - podcast is for entertainment, educational, and harm reduction purposes only . author of the podcast does not condone or recommend using any information contained in it. The author of this podcast is not a doctor. Taking steroids can have massive health consequences. The podcast is not to glorify steroid use, but to inform the public what is really happening in bodybuilding & fitness