Mary-Ann Toop: Bringing Fabric Sculptures To Life

Fabric sculpture artist Mary-Ann Toop is the guest today on the Stitchery Stories podcast. Mary-Ann shares her story of leaving her civil engineering career, battling depression and starting her fascinating creative journey. Mary-Ann is determined to make her soft fabric sculptures move - and is particularly fascinated by flight... it's the engineer in her creeping out again! Susan Weeks chats with Mary-Ann about: Experimenting with automata Making her stitched creations move Starting a creative journey to see what she could do Trying to be creative every day How creativity help battle depression and ill-health The benefits of becoming immersed in small repetitive  movements like embroidery Exploring Pinterest... and discovering that textiles and embroidery can be art Who is Concordia? A fascination with flight Evolving techniques using wire, clay, fabric, embroidery The story of the nightshirt and the gargoyl And so much more! For this episode View Show Notes, Links & Examples of Mary-Ann's work at Visit: Read: Like: Look: Other artists episodes mentioned: Bryony Rose Jennings Annie Taylor The Artists Way by Julia Cameron

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Stitchery Stories... Where textile artists share their life in fabric and thread. Embroidery. Textile Art. Inspiration, Techniques, Disasters and Delights. Join embroidery enthusiast and textile art dabbler, Susan Weeks, in her friendly chats with UK textile artists. Discover how they got started. Share the lessons learned along the way. Get excited about what they are working on at the moment. Learn how they keep their business growing, their creativity flowing, and get a sneak peek into what is coming next...