002 | Jenna | Moving on From Eating Disorders and Numbing Methods, Gaining Powerful Habits for Building Self Love

In today’s show, Najwa interviews Jenna who shares her struggles with self-love and addiction. What are some of the negative consequences of a poor self-image? And, what are some effective ways of addressing these issues?

Jenna started grappling with self-image issues when she hit puberty at the age of 13. As her body started to change, she became obsessed with losing weight. Slowly but surely, this led to bulimia. How did this eating disorder have a ripple effect on all aspects of her life?

In the next segment of the show, listeners will learn how Jenna relied on drugs and alcohol to push herself through. What are the ill consequences of numbing your senses? Jenna shares how her approach fueled a need for instant gratification. This is what eventually pushed her towards a toxic and abusive relationship.

On realizing her follies, Jenna ultimately embarked on a painful but necessary journey of self-improvement, leaving behind love that she knew was true and pure but needed to be left behind. In the next segment of the show, Jenna has some excellent advice for those who wish to stop numbing and find the courage to face the realities of life once again.

To help listeners gain perspective, Jenna likens the self-improvement process to building a house. Like building a house, self-improvement requires patience and immense effort, especially when you are doing it for the first time.

This serves as a good segue to our next topic which is about building healthy relationships. Eventually, as Jenna cleaned herself up, she found healthy unconditional love – a love that is honest, transparent and without any agendas. Can you find true love if you do not love yourself? Was it a coincidence that Jenna transitioned to a healthy relationship once she sorted out her issues?

Finally, Jenna gives listeners a reality check and shares her concept of “building a home within yourself”. Even on finding true love, Jenna points out that you cannot lose yourself completely in a relationship. How do you ensure that the fine line between being grateful and being completely dependent is not crossed?  

If you are struggling with self-image issues, this is a show that you cannot miss.

Tune in for some excellent nuggets!


Atomic Habits

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We live our daily lives thinking that no one can see what’s going on inside of us. We wish to be seen and heard. We wish for that pain to just go away. Stories of the Soul brings you stories of people you meet every day. It opens your eyes to the depth that lies beneath the surface of every person’s exterior, just like the depth that lies beneath your exterior. In Stories of the Soul, you will listen to interviews with people from all walks of life. You will learn the beauty of digging deeper with your everyday relationships. You will also realize that you are not alone and that you are part of a bigger community of those who believe in the power of stories. You will learn that you can rise after your fall. And that you can own your healing as you’ve owned your pain. This podcast will be the springboard to your healing. Are you ready?