007 | Alex Elle | You Are Your Own Liberation

Alexandra Elle is an author, certified breathwork coach, and writing to heal facilitator living in Maryland with her husband and children. Writing came into her life by way of therapy and the exploration of healing through journaling. The intention behind Alex’s work is to build community & self-care practices through literature & language. Join Najwa and Alex as they discuss breaking out f your patterns and coming back to yourself.

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We live our daily lives thinking that no one can see what’s going on inside of us. We wish to be seen and heard. We wish for that pain to just go away. Stories of the Soul brings you stories of people you meet every day. It opens your eyes to the depth that lies beneath the surface of every person’s exterior, just like the depth that lies beneath your exterior. In Stories of the Soul, you will listen to interviews with people from all walks of life. You will learn the beauty of digging deeper with your everyday relationships. You will also realize that you are not alone and that you are part of a bigger community of those who believe in the power of stories. You will learn that you can rise after your fall. And that you can own your healing as you’ve owned your pain. This podcast will be the springboard to your healing. Are you ready?