Buffy Bunny and the Easter Emergency written by Jess Judd and Chanel Tsang

Written by Jess Judd and Chanel Tsang and narrated by Rob Griffiths. It’s Easter and the Easter Bunny is sick and cannot deliver all the Easter eggs! Luckily, his cousin Buffy Bunny volunteers to help and finds that being the Easter Bunny isn’t as easy as he thought. A children's bedtime story suitable for ages 4-10 years old

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Children's bedtime stories delivered fortnightly as a free audiobook. For toddlers, preschoolers, young children aged 2-13, or the whole family. Download the mp3, listen in Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, Leela Kids, or listen online at https://bedtime.fm/storytime Proud member of Kids Listen, a grass roots organisation promoting content just for children