The Impact Method: Why is Storytelling so Important?

I am launching the most exciting program I have launched to date. Want to be one of the founding members?  Simply sign up at I have been working with the top leaders and influencers around the world and I am ready to share their secrets with you. They have used these skills to: Become pro athletes and coaches Build 7 and 8 figure businesses Grow their career to the top of the Fortune 500 Became global speakers commanding $25,000+ per keynote Launched best-selling books And more! These tools can be yours! Don't will be limited and I will only be accepting 20 into the initial program.  Let's grow your influence and build your legacy!

Om Podcasten

Everyone has a story! Most have just not invested the time into developing the skill. Join Peter Lynch as he shares the keys to Storytelling 2.0 and how he has personally leveraged this to become a Fortune 500 executive, award-winning entrepreneur, TED and global keynote speaker, author, and top 30 podcaster. You have a story to tell! People need to hear it! Listen in to learn how to become a master storyteller and build your brand, grow your influence and become a master storyteller.