storytelling with data podcast: #62 tension in data stories

Tension is a key component of story—and can be used in powerful ways to communicate in a business setting. In this episode, Cole talks tension: what it is, why you should care, and how to identify and use it in your data stories and beyond. Tune in also to hear common questions related to communicating with tension and their answers, plus related resources that will improve your next graph or presentation. Listening time 35:00 |  related links: Article: a quick presentation makeover Article: the structure(s) of story Article: when tension is high, get to the point Book: storytelling with you Book: let’s practice! Exercise: build the tension Resource: big idea worksheet Video channel: SWD YouTube Video series: storytelling with cole Video: dashboard to data story makeover Video: record yourself Video: create a storyboard Video: focus attention in data viz Video: avoid these 5 slide mistakes Video: the final presentation Video: don’t keep me in suspense (open to premium) Workshops: 2023 calendar (use special code PODCAST10) University: instructor resources

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Rid your world of ineffective graphs and mediocre presentations, one exploding 3D pie chart at a time! The storytelling with data podcast from bestselling author, speaker, and workshop guru, Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic and the storytelling with data team covers topics related to better business communications, data storytelling, and knockout presentations.