storytelling with data podcast: #73 stand up

Consider all of the things you do in the course of your daily work from a seated position: might you benefit from changing it up? In this episode, Cole discusses the power of standing up for different reasons and across a variety of situations. Tune in to understand how standing can boost creativity and keep updates and introductions from being overly lengthy. Learn what kinds of feedback and conversations are best had with your feet on the ground, as well as how standing up to present affords you—the presenter—with greater opportunities for better communication. Listening time 18:10 | related links Blog article let it sit Podcast episode 6 say it out loud Book storytelling with you: plan, create, and deliver a stellar presentation Join our 8-week online course (use discount PODCAST10 for 10% off) Attend a workshop (use discount PODCAST10 for 10% off) Video stand up Subscribe in SWD community: go premium Mugs, coasters, books and posters in SWD shop Watch the mini-workshop; more videos on the SWD YouTube channel

Om Podcasten

Rid your world of ineffective graphs and mediocre presentations, one exploding 3D pie chart at a time! The storytelling with data podcast from bestselling author, speaker, and workshop guru, Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic and the storytelling with data team covers topics related to better business communications, data storytelling, and knockout presentations.