SFHM-049 Solo-Ride

Randell DeJong was all alone in the woods with her horse riding bareback.  Randell dismounted and when she wanted to remount, she tried and fell flat on her face. From that moment on Randell vowed she would find something to help her mount a bareback horse anywhere and anytime. When she returned home Randell's husband encouraged her to invent the solution. She did. Randell invented the Solo-Ride system. Listen to Randell as she describes her creative journey as an inventor.

Om Podcasten

Straight From the Horse's Mouth Radio Show is an interview podcast that features the most unique and interesting people in the horse world. I talk with artists, authors, inventors, entrepreneurs, therapists, horse communicators, anyone with an innovative and creative approach to horses. If you are passionate about horses - this is the show for you!