SFHM -058 Ask the Experts - Anne Gage

Ask the Experts will be a regular feature on Straight From the Horse's Mouth Radio Show. I've invited a number of previous guests to return to the show and talk about horse and rider problems.  Anne Gage, from Confident Horsemanship, is this month's expert. Ann discusses the common problem of fear and anxiety surrounding riding. Anne shares strategies and tips for overcoming the initial stages of rider's anxiety. I invite listeners to leave comments and questions on the guest page. Anne will answer the questions in her next visit to SFHM Radio Show. 

Om Podcasten

Straight From the Horse's Mouth Radio Show is an interview podcast that features the most unique and interesting people in the horse world. I talk with artists, authors, inventors, entrepreneurs, therapists, horse communicators, anyone with an innovative and creative approach to horses. If you are passionate about horses - this is the show for you!