Season Three Starts Now!

Hootie-hoo, glamour girls! Forgetful Girl Summer is officially OVER, and Ad Supported Girl Fall starts now! It's time for season three of StraightioLab, the only podcast about straight culture hosted by two random gay comedians, and one thing's for sure: George and Sam are once again speaking. They welcome back old listeners and welcome IN new ones as they attempt to explain what it is exactly that's going on here. The lab is back in session...and it did NOT pass the safety inspection. See for privacy information.

Om Podcasten

StraightioLab is an intellectual podcast where smart comedians George Civeris and Sam Taggart unpack the rich, multi-colored tapestry of straight culture. In each episode, George and Sam are joined by a guest to hold a MIRROR to society and finally get to the BOTTOM of mysterious and perverse topics such as college fraternities, gender reveal parties, the military, themed restaurants, and the concept of "the holidays." Scared? Good.