BTW 40: 10 of Swords – Your Fight is Over with Mary K. Greer

When the 10 of Swords appears, it's usually because you’re ready to call it. The battle is over. There’s no going back, and it’s time to MOVE ON. The 10 cards are often about our collective experience. In this episode, we think about the social causes of defeat, or “ruin” as it’s called in the Thoth deck. Because we live in an individualist society we tend to think that when we experience ruin it’s our own fault, but often it’s a social set up. This card asks us to consider “what if our problems are systemic rather than personal,” and, what we can do about it. We discuss all of this and more with our special guest, tarot expert Mary K. Greer. Mary K. Greer is an independent scholar, writer, teacher, and professional tarot consultant known for her innovative teaching techniques. With an M.A. in English Literature, she taught Tarot in colleges for fifteen years. She is the author of twelve books on tarot and on magic, and is an initiate of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Priestess/Hierophant in the Fellowship of Isis, and student of the Mysteries. Her books include: Tarot for Your Self: A Workbook for Personal Transformation, 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card, Women of the Golden Dawn: Rebels and/Priestesses, and she is a co-author of Pamela Colman Smith: The Untold Story. You probably already have at least one of her books, and now you'll get to hear her in person. Join us!

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Join us Between the Worlds as we discuss tarot, psychology, mythology, pop culture, witchcraft, magic, art, and history with host Amanda Yates Garcia and a series of special guests. Music and production by Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs. (Looking for the podcast Strange Magic? You can find those episodes here as well. Just scroll down, Strange Magic episodes begin with the acronym SM. If you'd like to read our statement on the end of that podcast, please see the show notes of episode BTW 28: Ace of Swords. Thanks for listening! xo)