BTW E86: Finding Your Witch Mentor with Jamie Della

We’ve got a great show for you today with the writer and witch elder Jamie Della, author of A Box of Magic, The Book of Spells and many other magical titles. In this episode we go into things like working with and calling in mentors; navigating your Saturn return; the difference between witchcraft, Wicca, and Druidry; how to work with tarot cards in your magic (and why you should); how spells work and what they do; healing spells, cord cutting spells, and how to understand the court cards. In other words, this is a very practical episode and we know you’re going to get a lot out of it. Jamie Della is full of wisdom and offers great insight into not only the how of magic, but the WHY of magic. Join us today, Between the Worlds!

Om Podcasten

Join us Between the Worlds as we discuss tarot, psychology, mythology, pop culture, witchcraft, magic, art, and history with host Amanda Yates Garcia and a series of special guests. Music and production by Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs. (Looking for the podcast Strange Magic? You can find those episodes here as well. Just scroll down, Strange Magic episodes begin with the acronym SM. If you'd like to read our statement on the end of that podcast, please see the show notes of episode BTW 28: Ace of Swords. Thanks for listening! xo)