SM 7: The Empress — Creativity & Fertility — the Perils and Pleasures

The Empress is the Queen of Queens. Like the HIgh Priestess she sits, but her throne is in nature, and it is daytime. She is mother earth, she is Venus, she is love and creation and sex and generative processes. She’s an open rose, one who has been pollinated and is activated by pollination. She’s sex, pleasure and the pursuit of. The integration of all the cards before her, she is ego and intuition, personal power and surrender. Find out more ways to work with her and for her, in this episode.

Om Podcasten

Join us Between the Worlds as we discuss tarot, psychology, mythology, pop culture, witchcraft, magic, art, and history with host Amanda Yates Garcia and a series of special guests. Music and production by Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs. (Looking for the podcast Strange Magic? You can find those episodes here as well. Just scroll down, Strange Magic episodes begin with the acronym SM. If you'd like to read our statement on the end of that podcast, please see the show notes of episode BTW 28: Ace of Swords. Thanks for listening! xo)