What IS the most beautiful sound?

*Car door shuts, ignition revs, wheels turn on the pavement* Sound effects that transport you to a specific place are bread and butter for podcasts. But when does adding sound effects move a story along, and when do they merely confuse the listener? To explore this, we touched base with one of last year's Student Podcast Challenge finalists, Alex Soto. Her podcast, What Is The Most Beautiful Sound?, utilized over 10 sound effects. In the wrong hands, this could have been a hot mess, but in Alex's podcast, it totally worked. This week on The Students' Podcast, hear how Alex struck a balance between sound and interviews.Learn more about sponsor message choices: podcastchoices.com/adchoicesNPR Privacy Policy

Om Podcasten

Teachers and students, got something to say? Put on your headphones and get ready to hit record! The folks behind NPR's Student Podcast Challenge made this handy guide on how to make a podcast in the classroom. We'll talk about how to gather good sound, ask great questions and conduct smart interviews. Plus, we'll hear from the contest's judges, last year's winners and feature some pretty inspiring stories of students and teachers. It's everything you need to make an amazing podcast!