Podcast 313 - Welcome Back, Michele Blood! Enlightenment and the Power of Music and Manifesting!

Michele Blood is a powerhouse who worked alongside Bob Proctor for years, she used music to manifest healing after a near-fatal automobile accident, and she has just created a new app to help you in your manifesting journey! If you would like to re-visit her story, it is Episode 219 hereAnd the website where you can download the free goodies Michele mentioned, that link is hereEnjoy catching up with Michele and talking about living on your Highest Timeline! Enjoy the Journey!Thomas 

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Start at the beginning (episode #1)....this is an audio-Journey of someone who hit life's bottom later in life, re-programmed his fundamental Christian upbringing, and found an entirely new way of living successfully and fulfilled. This is an on-going story, with twists, turns, victories, bumps, and always lessons. It explores the Subconscious Mind's impact on our lives and how it controls outcomes without us having to lift a finger. This is about Energy, Subconscious Programming, the Law of Attraction, Intuition, Parallel Universe Shifting, Reality Shifting, Desired Realities, and new ways of living! The message of this podcast is.....it is never too late to make massive changes in your life and start living a new life now! Thomas is also the narrator of over 30 audiobooks for author Fred Dodson and astrologer Steven Forrest. Join Thomas Miller as we "Enjoy the Journey!"Intro music by special commission © 2013-2023.