#112b - MORGAN THE MAGNIFICENT: History of the Great American Fortunes, Vol. III (Part 2)

Dimitri and Khalid continue their journey through “History of the Great American Fortunes, Vol. III”, including: George Peabody and Junius P. Morgan committing treason in London, plutocrats funding illegal slave expeditions, young J. Pierpont Morgan selling dangerously defective rifles to the US Army and profiting from organized murder during the Civil War, repeatedly ripping off the US government through bond issues, and the Remorganization of railroads (and eventually the entire industrial US economy) into colossal trusts at the end of the 19th century. For access to full-length premium episodes and the SJ Grotto of Truth Discord, subscribe to the Al-Wara’ Frequency at patreon.com/subliminaljihad.

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A p*dcast where Dimitri (@drposhlost) and Khalid (@khalidbinyaqub) explore deep politics, occult history, conspiracy, and ontological ops from a critical-paranoid perspective. For access to full-length premium episodes, new installments of Demon Forces, and the SJ Grotto of Truth Discord, become a subscriber at patreon.com/subliminaljihad.