#114b - GRAND DADDY PERPETUITY: Gustavus Myers' "The Ending of Hereditary American Fortunes"(?)
Dimitri and Khalid discuss Gustavus Myers’ final 1939 work “The Ending of Hereditary American Fortunes”, including: the Revolutionary overthrow of primogeniture, entail, and mortmain, all of which enraged the colonial American aristocracy, chartered corporations becoming the new manifestation of aristocratic perpetuities, critical support for Hamilton’s nemesis Aaron Burr, Jefferson’s warnings about the “aristocracy of our moneyed corporations”, the rise of the based Workingmen’s Party, bribery and corruption in securing the charter of Aetna Fire Insurance Company in 1820, Jackson’s war against the Bank of the United States, the decidedly less based rise of the Know Nothing Party, Irish Catholic/Nativist race riots in multiple cities, the 1834 book “Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States”, its author “Brutus” aka Samuel F.P. Morse (inventor of Morse Code), the vast Jesuit conspiracy to flood the US with Catholic immigrants to institute a demonic system of Popery, the Populist Party channeling Alex Jones in 1892, Newport, Rhode Island as the seat of Mammon, the outrageous moral degeneracy of the inheritor class, the total economic collapse of 1929, class traitor FDR’s rollout of the New Deal, and finally, to what extent the American Plutocratic Class used World War 2 and the Cold War to resurrect the icy, inescapable grip of capitalist mortmain over these United States. For access to full-length premium episodes and the SJ Grotto of Truth Discord, subscribe to the Al-Wara’ Frequency at patreon.com/subliminaljihad.