#58 - NEW AGE PERVERTS: The Epstein-Sarfatti-Oswald-NAMBLA Connection(feat. Jimmy Falungong)

Dimitri and Khalid talk with researcher and OG Grottohead Jimmy Falungong (@FalunJimmy) about the similarities between Jeffrey Epstein and far-out physicist Jack Sarfatti, Sarfatti’s participation in NAMBLA co-founder Walter Breen’s “gifted children” program, Sarfatti’s childhood ET phone call, sus Civil Air Patrol, and various parallels/interlochens with Lee Harvey Oswald, Esalen, Whitley Strieber, Philip K. Dick, Barry Seal, Boys Town, Manson, the Nine, Carlos Castaneda, Robert Anton Wilson, Daniel Sheehan, and Yeltsin on LSD in an Esalen hot tub. For access to full-length premium episodes and the SJ Grotto of Truth Discord, subscribe to the Al-Wara’ Frequency at patreon.com/subliminaljihad.

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A p*dcast where Dimitri (@drposhlost) and Khalid (@khalidbinyaqub) explore deep politics, occult history, conspiracy, and ontological ops from a critical-paranoid perspective. For access to full-length premium episodes, new installments of Demon Forces, and the SJ Grotto of Truth Discord, become a subscriber at patreon.com/subliminaljihad.