[PREVIEW] #115b - L’ATTAQUE DU CLONAGE HUMAIN: The Raëlian Clonaid Mystery

For access to full-length premium episodes and the SJ Grotto of Truth Discord, subscribe to the Al-Wara’ Frequency at patreon.com/subliminaljihad. Dimitri and Khalid focus on Raël’s advocacy for human cloning, including: the 1997 establishment of Clonaid following Dolly the sheep, Raël’s 2001 testimony to Congress, Dr. Brigitte Boisselier’s 2002 announcement that a healthy cloned “Baby Eve” had been born, the media frenzy that ensued, getting exposed as a “hoax”, the West Virginia politician who gave Raël $300,000 to clone his dead son, possible overlaps with Epstein who was “working on human cloning” in Mexico back in 2002, the curious disappearance of all human cloning endeavors post-2007, the eclectic list of celebrities who have been given “Honorary Guide” awards by Raël, Raël warning about the CIA’s Abraham Project MK assassination program, and where human cloning stands in the age of CRISPR.

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A p*dcast where Dimitri (@drposhlost) and Khalid (@khalidbinyaqub) explore deep politics, occult history, conspiracy, and ontological ops from a critical-paranoid perspective. For access to full-length premium episodes, new installments of Demon Forces, and the SJ Grotto of Truth Discord, become a subscriber at patreon.com/subliminaljihad.