[PREVIEW] #122a - DEMON FORCES 3: Authority Stealing (Part One)
For access to full-length premium episodes and the SJ Grotto of Truth Discord, subscribe to the Al-Wara’ Frequency at patreon.com/subliminaljihad. In Chapter 3 of Demon Forces, Dimitri examines the labyrinthine intrigues and brutal realpolitik of Liberia in the early 1980s, including: overwhelming evidence that the assassination of President William Tolbert was a covert US plot, the rise to power of Master Sgt. Samuel K. Doe and his pro-US People’s Redemption Council, left-wing General Thomas Weh Syen’s confrontation with Firestone and subsequent execution, Doe’s use of juju/magickal warfare to maintain power, simmering tensions among the various indigenous tribes, Reagan/Bush/Casey’s enthusiastic support for Doe, and the emergence of General Thomas Quiwonkpa as an opposition/coup leader…Some background on young Liberian activist Charles Taylor and his activities in 1970s Massachusetts, fathering a son with a Trinidadian-American woman before accepting a position in Doe’s government, running the “very important” General Services Agency, fleeing back to the US in 1983 after embezzling government money to bankroll the anti-Doe opposition, hiring sus Ramsey Clark as his lawyer, getting arrested by US Marshals, and Liberian ex-pats in New Jersey plotting a Quiwonkpa-led coup against Doe in 1985.